색다른 아이폰카메라줌 무료 (A+ Camera Zoom)
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14 in Photography

A+ Camera Zoom

Seller: Tsai San San
Released September 24, 2009
Updated Jan 03, 2010
Version: 1.3
0.2 MB

(A+ Camera Zoom) iPhone

수 많은 카메라 기능중에 하나인 (A+ Camera Zoom) iPhone

줌 방식이 두가지가 있습니다.
가로늘리기와, 세로 늘리기가 각각 늘릴수도 있고, 한꺼번에 줌을 하실수도 있습니다.

간단한 기능을 말씀드리자면은
* 최대 4 배속의 실시간 디지털 줌 기능
* 제어 수평 및 수직 별도로 줌이 가능
* 깨끗하고 선명한 이미지.

Clear & Sharp picture guaranteed:
* many pictures taken can be blur and unclear due to the camera is slightly shaking while you press the button. With our build in anti-shaking feature, your picture is captured when your phone is at the most stable state.

Camera Roll review:
* look into the camera roll to review just-taken picture's quality. Sometimes you want to see if you need to take another one.

Features list summary:
* up to 4X real time digital zoom.
* control horizontal and vertical zoom separately.
* take sharp and clear image with anti hand shaking.
* camera roll review.
* take new pictures while saving, up to a maximum of 5 pictures.

(초롱이37님 연락처 및 메신져 사진)
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(iPhone 아이폰 영상리뷰 더 보기)
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아이폰 뉴스정보

동영상 세일어플

2009 리뷰 어플

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